Italy is a country of great food, great weather, and is fast becoming an ever-more popular study abroad destination with some of the world’s top universities.
- Italy has many oldest continually operating universities in the world. University of Bologna is believed to establish in 1008.
- Italy has 17 universities ranked among world top 500 in the latest ranking list compiled by Webometrics.
- Politechnic Di Milano and Politechnic Di Torino are one of the world’s finest technical universities and ranked 48 and 88 respectively for Engineering & Technology in the ranking list compiled by QS.
- Every year 40000 international students head for Italy to enjoy one of the most unique experiences international graduate educations has to offer.
- Italy has a high public education standard, surpassing that of other comparable developed countries, such as the UK and Germany.
- Italy is one of the four countries that first engaged to create the so-called European Area of Higher Education through which Bologna process is being implemented all over Europe to make academic standards and quality assurance standards more compatible throughout Europe.
- Italy is known to the world for the historical city Rome, floating city Venice, Colosseum, Oldest continually operating universities, ancient art & culture, antique architecture extravagant churches, leaning tower of Pisa, Vatican City, and Damanhur community.
- Italian foods are well-known for their taste, herbs and spices worldwide, especially Italian pizzas and Pasta are hot favourite food to all kind of global customers.
- Italy is the home land of famous renaissance artists Michelangelo, Leonardo da vinci, and Giovanni Bellini.
- Italians are warm and friendly and will bend over backwards to help International students.
- Italy is fifth most visited and highest tourism earner in the world.